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Published: 02/20/2025 11:30:37
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tuXlabs Cookbook


This is a new addition to Learn Linux. The source materials are not yet available. Here is the background and objectives of the tuXlabs Cookbook.

In 2002, the Foundation started to actively promote the use of open source software as a computer lab solution for schools.

The Shuttleworth Foundation strongly believes that open source software should be the preferred choice of software for schooling in South Africa. Open source software provides users with freedom not obtainable from proprietary software. This includes the freedom to obtain, use, modify and distribute the software.

The Foundation initiated a pilot to prove the effectiveness of open source software as a school computing solution. The Linux thin client technology with diskless refurbished pentium hardware was utilised to establish a viable economical solution for South African schools.

At time of writing 68 schools had been fitted with tuXlabs. The Cookbook combined with the Learn Linux course materials provides a holistic solution that enables anyone to rapidly offer computer profiency skills, based on GNU/Linux systems, to students. More information about the tuXlab project can be found on the Foundation web site.

The Shuttleworth Foundation intends the Cookbook to accompany all tuXlab implementations. Where there isn't a local LUG, it should provide sufficient guidance and information to enable a motivated staff or community member to setup and configure a tuXlab from scratch.

Where there is an up and running tuXlab, the Cookbook should enable users and administrators to explore, troubleshoot and fully utilise it. As such, it should identify all components (PCs, cabling, hubs/switches, printers, plugs, trunking) and provide walkthroughs for familiarising oneself with e.g. the network and available applications, and for troubleshooting common problems. It could also contain recipes on common tasks such as using email, creating and saving a document, or using internet banking.

The first deliverable of this project is a printed book of between 100 and 200 pages (depending on the scope, it may also be more). tuXlab installations should include a PDF suitable for printing additional copies as needed (which may differ from the book PDF in being prepared for an A4 printer), as well as a locally browsable hypertext version. Since tuXlabs will continue evolving and adapting to changing circumstances, the Cookbook will be a living project, with a website where readers may submit feedback, contributions and corrections.